"Get To Know : Jasmine Garcia"
Get To Know is about getting to know wrestlers you may or might not know. The wrestlers who one day may have dropped out of the blue and is on a high rise success. Or even the superstars are looking for their big break. So sit back, relax, and get ready to Get To Know.....
Jasmine Garcia was born in Canada but billed from San José, Costa Rica. Before wrestling, Jasmine was a socialite, especially on Twitter. She go into wrestling from her friends and fellow wrestlers (Adriana Sharpova, Tiffany and Akira Brookelle).
"I’ve always known about it and watched a few shows, but I always thought it would be too much of a challenge to actually get into. Until I met Gabriella, we instantly clicked, and she showed me the ropes and got me started in PCW".
But hunger for success, Jasmine took the opportunity to get in the ring, and managed to get a contract in ROX; where she is also dating the chairman, Enz. She is also getting training from Enz as well. Beside ROX, Jasmine has her sight on other companies like TKS, VALOR, FAME, and Aero Academy.
TMZ: Welcome Jasmine, it’s a pleasure to have you here with us today. How are you?
Jasmine: Gracias, chico! The pleasure is truly all yours, but you already knew that. I’m doing fine.. but I would be better with a bit of ice water? It’s a bit stuffy in here. Be a doll and fetch me some, por favor?
TMZ: Yes, we’ll have someone get you one right away. In the mean time, let’s get to know you! Already on social media, you’re a hit. From your personality and looks, you have grasped the fans and other wrestlers attention.
Jasmine: A hit?! I’m a big freakin’ deal, cariño. Jajajaja! I’m very authentic, which is something I’ve noticed isn’t common around here. I don’t need to impress any of these perras because I already know I’m top tier, entender?! I had a large fan base before I began wrestling, and I’m very blessed that a lot of them still support me. Social media is so tricky. Everyone is fake and wants attention. Everyone wants themselves to look good and act like a big shot, so when they see someone like me just being myself and getting it naturally, it definitely attracts the right audience. All eyes on me.
TMZ: Now let’s talk about you in wrestling. You’re very new and fresh on the wrestling scene. What are some of your experiences with wrestling you have already?
Jasmine: I’ve already worked some matches, actually. I’m in high demand, gringo. Some of these other girls show up and don’t get booked for WEEKS. Jajaja, not me baby - these people are all over me like salsa on a burrito. When people see Jasmine, they see a draw. A boost in ratings. More interaction. That’s the reason I’ve been grinding hard in-ring. I’m a natural at everything! I have some of the top trainers working with me, to ensure that when I’m ready to step into that ring? I’ll be leaving with a victory. Until then, I’ve decided to stick to a manager role. Notice how I said manager, not valet. I call the shots. I’m not here to prance around for a man like some other bimbos I could careless about to name. I’m in power, and I call the shots because you’ll never find me far from greatness. Soy bonita pero todavía te patearé el culo. Allow me to translate for you idiots who don’t speak Spanish: I’m pretty, but I’ll still kick your ass.
TMZ: Now you just mention you have the best trainers and your a manager; let’s talk about you and Enz. He calls the shots in ROX obviously and you’re dating him correct? Don’t you think that raises questions of you get everything in ROX cause you’re dating the chairman. People can see that in being biased and unfair.
Jasmine: ¿¡Perdóneme!? Who the hell do you think you are? Callate la boca! NO personal questions. Do you understand me?! Does it look like a give a damn what people SEE or THINK? I’ve heard the mumbling and the cackling. People aren’t happy about it, but I could care less! Look, all I’m going to tell you is that Enz knows where his priorities are at, and so do I. I’m the woman of his dreams. If I want something, I’m going to work for it, and if it’s too hard, he’s going to get it for me, whether people like it or not. It’s just that simple. Because what Jasmine wants, Jasmine gets. I wanted Enz, and I got Enz. If people have any sort of worries or doubt about my relationship with the boss, they are just gonna have to watch on ROX like the rest of the world because I am done entertaining them. Next question, estúpido raro!
TMZ: Well as you know, majority of fresh we had in the past broke out. We had Aubrey Aero becoming Divas Champion in Aero Academy. Kio becoming champion in Freedom Pro. What can we expect from you and do you have any goals to win gold this year?
Jasmine: What can you expect from me? Complete chaos. They don’t call me the Loca Latina for no reason. This is my year to make a big splash in these competitive waters, and chico, I’m going to look muy fabuloso while doing so. Yeah, some people may chase a championship...but I’m chasing more than that. I’m chasing power. I want my name to be cemented as one of the greatest for the short time that I’m here. It’s time we stop worshipping these OLD hags and start focusing on the future, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do once I takeover. And when all is said and done? The entire world is going to have their eyes set on la Reina de las Reinas, Jasmine.
TMZ: Well it was a pleasure having you. Thank you for your time, any last words you would like to say?
Jasmine: That’s all. Adios!
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