"Confession Of A Home Wrecker"
Over the years, many wrestlers have found love, but have also found heartbreak. Some in secret and others posted on social media. We may think we know the reasoning behind these breakups, but only one person can truly shed some light on these heartbreaks.
Nadia aka Alania Petrova, sat down with TMZ and confessed some of her sexual relations with men who we thought was supposed to be faithful to their better half.
First, Alania confessed to sleeping with her former CTO boss, Aaron Edwardes, while Edwardes was married to Larissa Domindez. This isn't the first we heard of Edwardes sleeping around behind his ex-wife's back. In fact, this is indeed what sent the couple to divorce court, Rumor has it that Domindez even crashed an annual vacation that Edwardes was attending and even had an physical altercation with him and other guest on the trip like: Akira Brookelle and Marcela Ferreira.
Next, Alania confessed to sleeping with Calvin Carter, while he is married to Tesla Vendetta. The couple is still married, but there has been rumors and reports of the couple cheating on one another. It was reported that Calvin has been cheating since his days being with Logan Perris. Carter has cheated on Vendetta with numerous of her own friends, some she has even tagged with in the ring. And ass for Tesla, let's just say she's slept with an Australian native numerous of times.
Following up in the confession, Alania confessed to sleeping with Landon Drew, a former CTO superstar and tag-team champion, with his twin brother Logan Drew. Landon, was deeply in love with his ex-wife and mother of his children, Rachel Reigns. The two had no infidelities and had a stronger bond than any other couple in the wrestling business. But, that came to an end once Rachel suspected Landon was cheating on her with DJ Val. Which ended the couple in getting a divorce, and Landon disappeared since 2015. But in the end, maybe DJ Val wasn't the reason in the couples divorce, but, it was Alania.
Lastly, Alania confessed to sleeping with high rising superstar, Kioshima aka Kio. We've seen Kio in numerous short-lived relationships, and perhaps love isn't his thing. But perhaps a short fling is! Rumor is that Kio is a ladies man, and isn't too shy to lead things into the bedroom with numerous women. But perhaps Alania was more than a one night stand, and possibly was the reason of why many of his relationships hasn't worked.
Alania stated that this is just a few men she had slept with and relationships she had broken up. So, who else's relationship do you think Alania has ruined? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter (@CAWTMZ).
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