Get To Know : "Lexie Marchél"
Get To Know is about getting to know wrestlers you may or might not know. The wrestlers who one day may have dropped out of the blue and is on a high rise success. Or even the superstars are looking for their big break. So sit back, relax, and get ready to Get To Know.....
Lexine Martél was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but, raised in Boise, Idaho. Lexie has been an active professional wrestler for 2 years. With only 10 months of training prior. Before wrestling, she was a former fitness model and cheerleader. She is also a self-seamstress, making her own wrestling gear.
Martél has been in DOT, RTG, and WCW. She is currently working in the indies, and has hope to be in TKS in the near future.
TMZ : You’ve been in the wrestling game for 2 years now and had 10 months of training prior. You’ve been in different companies and now I assume you are still perfecting your craft in the indies and still training. How has that been?
Lexie : It’s been a very bumpy ride honestly, considering most of the opportunities nowadays are given to the more experienced women in the wrestling industry, aka the veterans. So, the little opportunities that I do receive in the big leagues, I give them my all and showcase my abilities as much as I can. And maybe, kinda capture the audience’s eye and have them like “Wow, she’s good. I would love to see more of her here! Gotta keep an eye out on her, she’s a great competitor". Like, in TKS, i’ve made multiple appearances. Maybe if they like what i’m portraying, they could continue having me on their outstanding show and possibly compete against their unique Sirens. But, i’m still improving as the days go by. i’ve recently started training with my good friend Katherine aka Katya so, expect a few moves of her’s from me!
TMZ : Have you considered other companies you could possibly tryout for? Or even do wrestling events?
Lexie : Yes, i’ve considered multiple such as Valor, CTO, ROX, and even FaM. And also, i’ve been in few events such as Queen of the Ring and Popoff hosted by "The" Aniyah Vadoll.
TMZ : Moments ago, you’ve mentioned you have started training with Kattya, how has that been going? Kattya is a tough competitor and I know her training is just as tough as she is.
Lexie : Training with her has been a blast lately! She pushes me into doing things that i’ve never thought of or even attempting. And just teaching me all these new moves and how to properly execute them. She’s just amazing! She’s such a big inspiration to me because, she’s brings a sense of beauty not only from the looks but with her moves. She also shows that not only does she have the athleticism in the ring but also that you can look sexy while doing so. She also inspires me because she also fights off the negative ,misogynistic remarks such as; “Oh she’s just a woman, the only thing she cares about is her looks, her nails, her hair or just being pretty and not being a tough competitor". She’s also one of the reasons why I continue to do what I do. I’m here to show what "hit like a girl" REALLY means!
TMZ : Is there any other women in wrestling that you look up to? And do you think that Kattya is truly helping you breakthrough and potentially open doors for you?
Lexie : I would say Akira as well because, she started from the low budget indies and is now in the big leagues! Such a come-up, I love my girl Kiki! But honestly, I think she would help me breakthrough and potentially open doors for me! I believe she would!
TMZ : We have a lot of new faces in the wrestling game and of course the familiar faces. All of them hungry for their 15 minutes, and potential gold. What do you bring to the table that can seperate yourself from the rest of the bunch, and to make your way up the ladder?
Lexie : I would say i’m different because, I can really do it all! I’m a huge exhibitionist. If I were to actually be given the golden opportunity, I’d do anything and everything to get the crowd by my side and to keep them on my side! I adore the attention, positive or negative. It just makes me feel like i’m someone or something special in this world. But, I mainly focus on the positive because it’s like wow, they like me, they like what I do and they like what I give, Like, I gotta do this more and keep this train going!
TMZ : I would say continue doing what you’re doing. one day, you’re gonna receive a huge opportunity and it’s gonna be life changing. Then you’re gonna look back and say wow, imagine me quitting back then...Pssht.
Lexie : No, it was a pleasure to be here! Thanks for having me! Hmm.. I would say, follow your dreams. Okurrrrrrrt!
TMZ : Well, we wish you nothing but the best and you will rise to the top.
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