"That Has To Be The Most Personal Feuds I’ve Ever Took Part In" Tesla Talks Feuding With D
TMZ : Tesla Vandetta! It is about time we got you into the studio. How are you?
Tesla : Wow, it’s a pleasure to be here guys. I’ve been fine, just taking it day by day ya' know?
TMZ : Certainly. In the past, we made many post about you. But this, is the first time we have you in our office. It’s been a long time coming. How has things been lately?
Tesla : Yeah, I’ve seen my name a few times on your guys's post.
TMZ : Well, I think this is the perfect time to. Let’s go back to last year where in CTO, you had one hellacious storyline with your boss, Delilah Vadoll. What was that like?
Tesla : That has to be the most personal feuds I’ve ever took part in. People on the outside looking in saw entertainment. But, in the moment, walking in my shoes, it was hell! I was full of anger and rage, every time I saw her face. That woman made it her duty to try and make my life a living hell. Not just at work, but at home as well. She was taking money from my husband and I. She’s done every sneaky tactic to try and break me and my family. But in reality, she's only made me stronger than I was before. Not physically but, mentally as well. Hell, this isn’t a past feud, I’m still living in the moment. But now, she’s added her sexuality confused sister to the mix.
TMZ : I mean, the odds were stacked against you. And with your match against her at Redemption, were you afraid that you were gonna lose your job?
Tesla : True. The odds were stacked against me but, have you not seen anything I’ve done? Every time I step from behind that curtains, the odds are usually stacked against me. I overcome all odds no matter what. And afraid? My name and the word afraid should never be in the same sentence. I wasn’t afraid of anything, I knew as soon as I challenged her to the match, that I was going to go in there with my emotions well in place. I’m a Sagittarius, so we’re known to get a little emotional. But, with a lot of mental preparation before the show, I knew exactly what needed to be done. I didn’t underestimate Carmasutra one bit. I knew she had been training but, I had know idea she was going to put up a fight that she did. Every time I compete, I leave it all in the ring. She might have put up a decent fight but, she lacked the skill and the knowledge of the ring. I’m not gonna lie, taking that sledge hammer and bashing her throat in brought a smile on my face. Something that I personally haven’t felt in a long time. So no, I wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone and never will.
TMZ : Let fast forward to later that year at WrestleVania. You went head-to-head with Rachel Reigns and won the Empress Championship. People said that was a long time coming. What was that like for you?
Tesla : It truly was a long time coming. It was a moment that you can’t physically prepare for. My emotions were running wild after the bell rang and I was announced new CTO Empress Champion. In fact, I was so in the moment I should have expected Rachel to do what she did. But, I had no idea Vixen was going to do what she did. That had actually blew my mind because, we created such a strong bond throughout our time in the company. But if you ask me, she’s just another lost girl, trying to make a name for herself off of Tesla Vandetta. She was 3 seconds away from being washed up. I could’ve helped her career ya' know. It’s very unfortunate that I have to end it now.
TMZ : But now, we see you and Rachel are on great terms. You two just had another match for the Empress Championship at Homecoming. Which, congratulations on you retaining. And now, we see the Femme Fatales together in TKS.
Tesla : Yes, yes and yes. And thank you. Rachel gave me one hell of a fight at Homecoming but, I could tell something wasn’t right with her. Like her mind was focused on something else. I’m not sure I can really speak on something I don’t know but, that’s just what it felt like. And yes, it’s been great returning to TKS after a few years of being away. I’m actually one of the original Sirens of the division. I’m glad that I could return to help out my bestie of course. The Femme Fatales are in full effect at that moment and we’re guaranteed to rip Aysia and Zada’s little love fest apart. Then once that little problem is out of our way, we’re taking everything they said we couldn’t have.
TMZ : We wish you nothing but the best come Revelations.
Now you mention something was up with Rachel at Homecoming. And we all saw what she had her mind on. We were all glued to our TV sets when her and Kattya got into that brawl. And of course, we got both of their sides of the story. And Kattya even mention your husband Calvin and Rachel’s past relationship. Care to share your thoughts on all of this?
Tesla : Yeah I mean, I can’t really speak on that situation as a whole too much. All I can say is "wow". I’m still at a loss for words at there confrontation turning into a full on brawl. It was crazy to see that on the monitors backstage. But, I think it’s been brewing for a while now. That’s all I can say about that. But as for Kattya mentioning my past situation with Rachel, it doesn’t bother me much. We’ve grown past that. I didn’t take her fiancé or break a happy home. No tea all shade.
TMZ : How are you and Calvin by the way? From the past, we heard that you two were off an on. There was also cheating not only on his end, but yours as well.
Tesla : Yeah, there was some cheating on his end. But my end? No way! I had no time to cheat. I was too busy working and taking care of our son. As of right now, me and Calvin are working parents. Trying to give our son the world. We still live together though.
TMZ : So, you two are together?
Tesla : We are working together to give our child a better life, as I stated before. That’s the official status of our relationship. Our son comes first. We have plenty of time to work on us. Right now it’s all about Trey.
TMZ : Well, we hope nothing but the best for you, Calvin and Trey. We’re about to wrap things up here, is there anything you would like to say?
Tesla : Yes! I would like to say, if you want to see more of me and wondering where I’m at and what I’m doing, you can find me at the Rookies Vs Veterans event. TKS Revelations, CTO Midnight Madness, ROX Maximum Conviction and recently announced Freedom Fest event. I would to see everyone out there in the crowd at all these events!
TMZ : Well, we'll make sure to catch you at all these shows and hope to see you again in the studio.
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