"She May Be Successful In The Ring, But She Has Nothing On The Empire My Family And I Are Build
Yesterday (5/27/2018), Marcélena Ferreira sat down with us to discuss wrestling, her personal life, and the heated feud with former best friend, Tiffany Aero.
TMZ : Welcome back to a CAW TMZ exclusive interview, it’s after hours here at the studios but, we still get the latest gossip at any hour of the day. Now, we are finally here with Marcèlena aka, Marcela Ferreira. How are you doing on this lovely evening?
Marcélena : I’m doing amazing, I’m happy with who I am and what I stand for and at the moment, I couldn’t be any better.
TMZ : Well that’s great. The last time we had you in the studio was last October to talk about Atomic Silver. So, is there more movies we should be looking out for?
Marcélena : Well I’ve been sent a few scripts, I can’t confirm anything at the moment but MAYBE I’ll be on the big screen again this summer... *She smirks as she keeps her focus on the interviewer.*
TMZ : Well that’s great, we’ll keep our eyes peeled and our movie reviews ready. But, besides the movies, music, and apps you’re so successful at, let’s talk about your main priority; wrestling!
No it’s been hours since we have released our interview with Tiffany Aero, did you get a chance to catch up on that?
Marcélena : I have actually! On my way to the studio I read what I could. I was actually surprised by what she had to say...
TMZ : Well, we would love to hear your side of things. She wanted to clear the air so, it’s time we hear your piece. And I’m pretty sure Ms. Aero will be tuning in as well.
Marcélena : I guess I’ll start by saying; yes, obviously there’s two sides to every story. But, in this case only one is truthful. A majority of the things she said are by no surprise just a fabricated mask she put on to justify her actions and motives, as she tends to do with every situation. Her main motive whether she admits it or not is to keep me back considering I’m her biggest threat. Like I said on TKS, she wants to paint me as somebody who’s weak and dependent when that’s EXACTLY what she is. She’s manipulative and she’s dependent on others to get herself to the top. Her entire career, have you ever seen her alone? On her own in any shape or form?
TMZ : Well how do you feel about her saying that you have no successes on your own. And I mean she is currently the CTO Riot Champion. Now I guess you could say without Lassiter, should wouldn’t have one that. But, she did win Fortune season two, beating you in fact if my knowledge is correct.
Marcélena : You see, I’ll elaborate on that. Let’s start at the beginning, though. She walked into this business with Kattya and I by her side, and when Kattya didn’t abide by her “rules” she cut her off. That left her with me, who sadly followed behind her manipulative tactics and treated others the same way she did. Fast forward and she finds herself with Lassiter who, as we’ve seen, handed her the Riot’s championship on a silver platter with the cash in of the Fortune title that I let her win, because that’s how loyal I was to our friendship and our team. But, soon I realized her true colors and she couldn’t handle that, so as we all saw on live television she cut me off as well. Without me by her side, she quickly ran and latched herself onto the complete reason PURE even stepped foot into TKS in the first place, she’s now riding the coattails of what we saw as a “virus” in the Siren’s division, and yes of course I’m talking about people like Julianna Acconci.
As for my “lack of solo success”, I’m successful in more than just wrestling, which I guess made Tiffany even more upset with who I was. She may be successful in the ring, but she has nothing on the empire my family and I are building both on the inside, and on the outside.
TMZ : Well, let's talk about her family empire. As we know, there are a bunch of Aeros running around in wrestling, and all of them are making a name for themselves. More importantly, they all come from Aero Academy. Which Tiffany herself runs. She has been successful with the community with constant episodes, events, and Pay-Per-Views. Not only that, you are signed to Aero Academy. And with the recent falling out you two have on screen and off, are you afraid that she might torture you in her own company? Are you thinking about asking for your release?
Marcélena : Before Aero Academy even became it’s own company, it was simply a training school which I put my own money into and was a head trainer for. I helped green light the idea of the company going global, to help train up & coming stars and give them a platform, but that’s not what Tiffany will tell you. But I’m not scared of her or anything she has to throw at me, I mean let’s be real, she threw Kyung at me who I managed to beat one on one, who else can say that? But I’ll give it to her, Aero Academy has become quite the success but as I’ve stated she didn’t do it alone.
TMZ : Now let's move on to TKS. We talked about the actions from her on episode 2 of this season. And on Friday, you two faced each other in a tag match. But come Revelations, it's just going to be you two, face to face, one on one. Where is your head at currently with that? I know this isn't going to be just a regular one on one...you two know each other so well. You trained together, travel together, I bet lived together at one point. So, what are you thinking, going into Revelation?
Marcélena : Considering we’ve gone one on one in the past, we were friends at the time, but come Revelations it’ll be a different story. She hasn’t witnessed me in the ring as a real opponent, somebody who isn’t on her side any longer, and with how she ambushed me, it gives me the fire, not her.
TMZ : Do you ever think that you and Tiffany could hash things over? We saw that you and Katherine are on the right path of rekindling a friendship. Do you think that's an option for you and Tiffany? Possibly an MTK reunion?
Marcélena : I don’t believe so... As I said earlier Tiffany is manipulative, and she is the reason Kattya and I became such enemies. Once I saw Tiffany’s true colors that’s when I knew that what happened between Katherine and I wasn’t personal between us, rather it was Tiffany ordering me to cut her off the same way she did
TMZ : Well, after viewing Tiffany's interview and speaking about her now, is there a message you like to send to her right now?
Marcélena : I think I’ve spoke of her enough for an eternity...
TMZ : And any closing remarks on anything?
Marcélena : Just a big thank you to everyone who’s had my back recently, to my friends, my family, my fans, to the people who know that who I was doesn’t reflect on the person I am today.
TMZ : Well, thank you for joining us on this late evening and getting your side of the story. It was a pleasure talking and seeing where your head is at. We wish you nothing but luck come Revelations, and keep up the fantastic work.
Marcélena : Thank you! It was a pleasure.
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